
Try holding your breath for as long as it takes your homepage to load. - Tony Karp, Art and the Zen of Web Sites

What is usability?

There is an evolution that takes place whenever people use something.

Imagine the world passing a brick around from hand to hand. Over time, its edges soften until it's a smooth, rounded stone. An optimal shape has formed by being used and the brick has now "adapted" to an ideal shape for further travel among human hands.

Usability is all about harnessing this evolutionary process.

Another example - imagine you're an architect. You've got to lay down some paths for the interior courtyard of an office block complex. In deciding where to put them, you may try to take into consideration a mass of human variables, such as:

It's a daunting task until you let the problem solve itself. A practical solution might be to lay no paths, just sand. After a few months, you could return to lay down paths in the tracks people had created.

When people use something, it becomes distilled, until you're left with a refined essence. Sometimes an even more surprising magic arises when that essence has found application beyond its creator's imagining - just like a successful evolutionary mutation.

Recommended Reading


Document Links

How we really use the Web
Excerpted from Don’t Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability - Steve Krug
Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed
Book by Jakob Nielsen and Marie Tahir New Riders Publishing, Indianapolis ISBN 0-73571-102-X
Building Accessible Websites
Bibliographic details * Author: Clark, Joe * Publisher: New Riders * Publication date: October 2002 * Copyright: 2003 (inexplicably) * ISBN: 0-7357-1150-X
Web Accessibility Initiative
WAI develops * guidelines widely regarded as the international standard for Web accessibility * support materials to help understand and implement Web accessibility * resources, through international collaboration
Section 508: The Road to Accessibility is a resource for information on Section 508 of the Disablities Act. The website also contains a searchable database of accessible products by supporting vendors. Jakob Nielsen's Website
Alertbox column, Web usability, usability engineering, and Jakob's minimalist approach to Web design; Jakob's biography. Conferences and training events.
Advanced Common Sense
Advanced Common Sense is the online home of Web usability consultant Steve Krug.
Joe Clark: Accessibility | Design | Writing
Joe does consulting and research on accessibility – mostly topics like captioning, audio description, and Web accessibility. His writing includes hundreds of articles.
This document was last modified on 2009-03-03 12:23:38.